Thursday, August 26, 2010

international guiding

Miss Tizz, my travel companion, is a Junior Guide, and thought it would be fun to visit Guide Units overseas during our trip. I contacted Guide HQ in Sydney, and today she received a letter containing a WAGGGS Introduction Card. WAGGGS is the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - an association of member organisations from all over the world.

Tonight I have sent emails to the national organisations in the UK, France and Italy to see if we can organise a visit in each country. I received an email back from the PA to the International Commissioner, Girlguiding UK, within minutes of hitting 'send', and we've been put in touch with the region office for where we'll be staying in London.

I've also received a response from the Italian organisation, but an automated one - the office is closed until August 27 - apparently everyone in Italy goes on holidays in August!

So now we'll have to leave room in the bags for a Guide shirt and sash, make sure all Miss Tizz's badges are sewn on, and think about some small things we can take as gifts to the units we visit. The husband has suggested buying a roll of the commemorative Centenary of Guiding $1 coins from the Australian Mint. Any other ideas?


  1. if you can find any not too expensive some aussie sew on badges would probably go down well! (not necessarily guide ones, perhaps canberra etc?) if they are too exxy maybe just a few of those plus a heap of postcards :)

  2. What about a girl guide state badge - they are about $.90 each - something special for the girls to put on their camp blankets.
