Monday, August 30, 2010

5 weeks to go!

I'm not sure why, but something changed between 'six and a half weeks to go' and 'five and a half weeks to go'. Over six weeks still felt like months away; under six weeks feels like it's nearly time.

I have the tickets. I have the rough itinerary. I have the luggage and the clothes and the packing list. And the electricity adaptor plug and the guidebooks and the smattering of French and Italian (with phrasebooks as back up).

I have the clients who have realised that if they don't get jobs in soon, I'm going to be gone for five weeks. Today I had to send a very blunt email to a client who wants a big job done in the last two weeks before I leave, but is hedging about the dates she will have the material ready. I was straight with her - I have no flexibility in this, and I'm not going to run myself completely ragged before I go.

I have the feeling that I'm jumping off a cliff that's the beginning of something new and big and exciting and terrifying too. And I am so ready for whatever comes next.

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