Thursday, February 18, 2010

this way there be dragons

Work has exploded again, and while I know that these late nights trying to get it all done are madness as far as keeping the demons/dragons/black dogs at bay (and they're not much good for my physical health either), I'm finding it nigh on impossible to keep it to a sane level at this very moment in time.

I have just written a list of things I need to get through tomorrow (which is already today, but until I actually get to bed it still counts as tomorrow as far as I'm concerned), and am going into panic mode. A large chunk of the work is limited by conference dates; it might arrive late from the client, but there's no give in the timeline at the other end, so it's late nights and manic work speed for the next few days at least.

But I need to focus and be grateful regardless of the pressures. I'm grateful for:
  • my family, who despite initial complaints have taken to the idea of a list of how each person will contribute to the family. I made up an initial list today while taking a short break (does it count as a break if I'm still sitting in front of the computer?), and wrote down a short list of tasks for each person to complete this afternoon/evening. Simple things like putting lunch boxes in the kitchen, fun things like sitting down together for afternoon tea and chatting about our day, and unavoidable jobs like unpacking this dishwasher. Miss Tizz kicked up a fuss at first, and I'm not proud to say there were some harsh words exchanged, but once we'd all calmed down they could see it wouldn't take long, we ALL had things to do, and a bit of swapping and helping each other was fine. And then the X-man asked for a morning list (which I'm not going to do tonight, but will try to organise tomorow). Once we have a week's worth of these under our belts, it should all be quick and straightforward to keep it going.
  • my husband, who made me a hot cup of tea (with two sugars) when I really really needed it this evening.
  • the work - well, let's be honest, it's the money that will come from the work is the really attractive part at the moment.

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